Posted on: Wed 10th Jul 2024

Nimac launches a range of NSF HX1 overbased calcium sulphonates

NiMAC can now offer NSF HX1 overbased calcium sulphonates in both USP white oil and polyalphaolefins. These sulphonates are typically used to formulate NSF H1 high temperature greases and as an additive for lubricants designed for food processing machinery. They can also be used in anti-corrosive coatings, as a detergent or dispersant additive, rust/corrosion inhibitor, and acid neutraliser in industrial lubricating oils.

NiLUB® C300W HX1 is an NSF HX1 registered 300TBN overbased calcium sulphonate in USP white oil

NiLUB® C400W HX1 is an NSF HX1 registered 400TBN overbased calcium sulphonate in USP white oil

NiLUB® C400P HX1 is an NSF HX1 registered 400TBN overbased calcium sulphonate in polyalphaolefin

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